Step One

  • Starts January, May, or September

  • Trial class (12 weeks) made up of deciders & influencers.   FREE to 15 people.

Step Two

  • Starts next period following Step One

  • Church classes start (2 to 3 groups of 15-20 each) with one moderator of each group from Step One class----Old Testament Survey—12 weeks

  • These groups then move on to New Testament Survey (14 weeks) starting with same groups of 15-20 each.  Qualifier is completion of 70% of content from OT Survey.

  • These groups then move on to Christian Doctrine (13 weeks) starting with same groups of 15-20 each.  Qualifier is completion of 70% of content from NT Survey.

EACH class is typically 3 months long with a grace month at end to allow final catch up or review time as needed.

Step Three

Other Sections of Old Testament can begin on a schedule to be dependent upon what the church wants to do. Ideally, it is best if the starter class in Old Testament Survey begins at the beginning of four months after the last section began. This provides a scheduled opportunity for members to “not miss out” if their schedules are too busy when the original Step Two class begins. Further, it allows any who may have dropped out during their first try, to enter back into the flow.of discipleship study.

We stand ready to customize a plan based on the aspirations of the ministry team.


The Gospel Story offers a variety of discipleship courses which are made available through the faithful and generous support of ministries or study groups like yours. We trust that these lessons are used by God to promote a deeper understanding of the Word in the people that you lead.

We also wish to note that all of Alistair Begg's sermons are available for free directly at These do not include the other resources provided from The Gospel Story as we curate other teachers, like RC Sproul, and other learning steps like quizzes, discussion and reflection questions, praise songs with lyrics, and various articles and blogs for meditation.

Our good faith estimate of the value of the complete courses received is $200. Each course is made available over a four-month access time, for up to 20 users/group. Please write Tom Ramsey at with any and all questions you might have.

The Gospel Story ministry has made and affirms a long-term commitment to honor, respect, and promote the teaching partners who share our deep desire to provide access to clear, relevant, widely-accessible, and affordable Bible teaching, to fulfill our collective goal of making and growing disciples.