Elective Courses:
Part 2



These lessons will study the entire thirty-five articles of the Confession, covering the whole scope of Christian Doctrine. It is designed as a Church Leaders training course, having candidates study each lesson ONLINE, then come together to discuss in more detail, and likely deal with questions that arise from the study.

We believe it’s likely that most are not going to “buy in” fully to all doctrines covered. Expected from the study is the evaluation of all thirty-five articles of the Confession, to decide if one accepts fully or in part, prior to taking vows as an officer of the local church(some denominations, like the PCA require).

Key teacher is Dr. John Gerstner, who was RC Sproul’s lifetime mentor. As was true with our Christian Doctrine class, it may be helpful to couple these video lessons with Summary of Christian Doctrine (Louis Berkhof) and Westminster Shorter Catechism with Scripture Proofs (Banner of Truth). It is also possible to include The Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, or The Augsburg Confession with the Heidelberg Catechism as complimentary.

Survey of Stewardship

TEN LESSONS. Online and reading content in a meeting-style course.

(Providence of God, Fruit and Enemy of Contentment, Sin of Coveting, Old and New Testament view of Money, Problems with Riches and Greed, Bounty of Giving, Biblical Giving, Stewardship of Time, Money and Possessions). These studies are broken into three categories (Foundations, Principles, and Practices of Stewardship), these form a comprehensive view of all provisions within God’s world and control, yet addressing the shortcomings we often have in handling our responsibilities before Him.

Key teachers are RC Sproul and Melissa Kruger of Ligonier Ministries(various series) and Pastors Alistair Begg and Rankin Wilbourne (key aspects), and other leading experts and study guides on various “steps”. The use of select chapters from helpful texts are also provided with permission of the authors or publishers.