LEARN the Word….
Apply in life
We, at The Gospel Story, are committed to call your church to use our studies, so that you will assist your members to LEARN the Word, GROW in knowledge and wisdom, and then APPLY these truths in their lives….as Romans 12:2 promises that they can “Be transformed by the renewal of your minds”.
The Gospel Story classes are intentional about helping to guide churches in discipling members to LEARN and KNOW the Word of God….”so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ”(Colossians 1:28)
Tom Ramsey
Executive Director and Mentor
The Problem We Address…
Many believers struggle to understand the whole story of the Bible. They may have learned various pieces here and there, but not the integrated larger story, or the set of beliefs of our Christian faith. The Bible contains a wide array of different books written in many literary styles, such as poetry, history, and letters. This variety, woven into a whole, forms a complete story pointing to ONE PERSON in ONE STORY by ONE AUTHOR.
“Christianity is not instinctive to anyone, nor is it picked up casually without effort. It is a faith that has to be learned, and therefore taught, and so some sort of systematic instruction is an essential part of a church’s life”
J.I. Packer in Growing in Grace, Crossway Publishing.
What The Bible Says
Christian Formation is based in II Corinthians 3:18 –“we are being transformed into (Christ’s) likeness”, Romans 8:29- “to be conformed to the likeness of His son”, and Romans 12:2-“be transformed by the renewal of your minds, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God.”
We believe the Bible is God’s Word, and its’ Great Commission calls us to “Go and make Disciples…teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). How do individuals progress from being believers in Christ, to growing into disciples? Christ’s calling to “make disciples” deserves nothing less than believers who can study the Word properly, “rightly handling the word of God” (II Timothy 2:15).
“He gave ….teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12), “teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ( Colossians 1:28). We intentionally use a mixture of trustworthy teachers, bringing new depth to this study time. The Gospel Story is calling you to be “equipped/trained” for serving Christ.
What We Do
In addition to trusted teaching, we provide a structure for moderators, and weekly guidelines for study. We also include content quizzes, and an interactive discussion forum, with others learning with you, and your moderator. We are encouragers first, but assist in any “bumps” to help keep you on track to finish.
Our courses can be used as stand-alone online studies, or in-person, or a combination/hybrid way by churches with personal meeting in small or large groups. Further, each course can be customized for a church’s needs or schedule.
How the Gospel Story differs from other studies
We know that people learn through a variety of means. For some, it’s by reading; for others, it’s discussion. Some prefer lecture style, and others prefer an inductive style with questions and responses. We incorporate all of these--use of multiple learning methods significantly increases comprehension, then understanding, and finally retention.
Many have tried Bible reading plans and failed. It’s hard to follow the books without a roadmap to where each book is placed. It’s a “solo” effort, lacking a guide, making it easy to get lost or lose direction. The Gospel Story offers:
An intentional course with exceptional teachers, like RC Sproul , Alistair Begg, Tim Keller, and selection of others.
An overview path of how each lesson “fits” into the whole story of redemption from Genesis to Revelation.
Weekly Email guidelines for each lesson
24/7 access to all content to fit your busy schedule
Interactive discussion questions, allowing your answers and those of others learning with you to be shared and discussed together.
A group moderator(from your church) who is both a guide and encourager, providing feedback along the way.
Praise songs that tie to the core lesson for private worship time.
Monthly study group meetings to “connect” the course members further, either by ZOOM or in person when allowed